DSC Signer in eOffice

To Get DSC Signer in eOffice please follow the steps: -
  • First close your eOffice portal.
  • Latest updated version of DSC Signer will not be working in the eOffice portal.  
  • Hence, download the older version of 4.1 DSC Signer Service, the link is as under: -
    • Install the DSC Key into the System (Desktop or Laptop). 
    • Double Click the DSC Signer icon (shortcut available in Desktop
    • Stop the Service.

    • Now the DSC Signer Service has been stopped
    • Again Double Click the DSC Signer Icon for starting the Service. 
    • All the users are advised to use Edge Chrome Browser (Latest version from Microsoft) for eOffice portal
    • Open the Edge Chrome Browser, type the following in the address bar as ""
    • You will get message as
         DSC Signer Service version : 4.1

  •  Now you may login the eOffice and use the DSC Sign.
  •  Then it will work promptly.


  1. Nice to see your Video...Sign your pdf pages in bulk and auto mode thru dsc token and pfx file.
    PDF Signer Software
    DSC Signer

  2. Thanks for the update. You can choose Digital signature for income tax
    and other signing related solutions as it is safe and time saving too.


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